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The Maison de la paix (MdP) in Geneva is home to some of the world’s leading expertise on questions of gender, peace and security. Characterized as a place for meeting, reflection and action, the MdP offers a fertile environment for exchange and creation of knowledge on issues related to the work of the organisations it houses. 


Established in January 2015, the MdP Gender and Diversity Hub (the G&D Hub) is a collaborative effort of six Geneva-based organisations located at Maison de la paix: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), Gender and Mine Action Programme (GMAP), Small Arms Survey (SAS), and, since 2016, the Centre on Gender and Global Change of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Gender Centre).

The G&D Hub aims to ensure the MdP becomes a centre of excellence for the promotion of inclusive security policy and practice, and a leading source of expertise on gender and diversity issues relating to peace and security. As a ‘knowledge broker on gender and diversity’, it fosters links between gender experts in the fields of security sector reform, inclusive institutions, landmines and small arms and light weapons, and armed violence and national and international policy makers, researchers, and activists. It does so by:

  • providing gender advice for stakeholders in International Geneva and beyond

  • organising formal and informal public discussions, debates and brown-bag lunches

  • convening keynote speaking and networking events

  • designing, facilitating and delivering training modules for external participation

  • offering staff development opportunities to G&H Hub organisations

© 2020 by Gender and Diversity Hub - Copyright

© Maison de la paix photo - IHEID - G. Sciboz

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